Module 1

2020 Manifestation Sign

A manifestation is something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs.In this case, the goal is to use visual language to make a sign, that is a statement or a wish list of things you want to achieve in the next four years. The sign is designed to motivate the user (in this case, you are the user.) and bring it into reality. This vacuum formed sign should be visually attractive, identifiable, communicable in a common sense, and easy to mount. The constraints of vacuum forming needs to be considered during the design process.


The purpose of this project is to use 2.5D visual language to convey a message, learning the benefits and constraints of the vacuum forming process through a sign design project. Module 1,2,4 are designed to build a solid foundation for further project development process, and also encourage students to achieve a skillful level of craftsmanship.

  • This illustration below explains how to vacuum forming works.  being able to identify the difference of requirement between cavity mold and plug mold.