Procreate | digital drawing Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Drawing Basics Ideation Sketch
Procreate | digital drawing Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Drawing Basics Ideation Sketch
PracticeWhy are you prototyping? Do NOT prototype for the sake of prototyping.1. Always make sure you can answer this question before you begin to prototype. Create a prototype to answer…
PracticeCommunication is not limited to the use of words and sounds. Visual language could also provide multi-sensory cues and generate affordance.1. Decoding- Annotate the photographs, as appropriate, to identify how…
PracticeScrutinize a product and benchmark it against existing designs.Each exercise description was slightly modified from Material and Process course assignments, meticulously designed by Prof. Warren Ginn at NC State UniversityObjectiveProduct…
Procreate | digital drawing< Reference image Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Start with the local color and half-tone first, then add the core shadow, highlight, and…
Design for Adaptability Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest
Practice1. Research three products that have the exact same functionality but use different materials and/or manufacturing processes and perhaps are at three different price points. 2. Annotate the photographs, as…
Practice 1Use reverse engineering to methodize the design concept specifically regarding manufacturing process.ObjectiveUse the same perspective frameworks, drawing to clarify and explore ideas further and expand upon previous ideas. Drawing…
Procreate | digital drawing Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Drawing Basics Ideation Sketch