Cyber Agent_Procreate
Procreate | digital drawing< The reference image Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Start with the local color and half-tone first, then add the core shadow, highlight,…
Procreate | digital drawing< The reference image Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Start with the local color and half-tone first, then add the core shadow, highlight,…
Procreate | digital drawing Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Start with the local color and half-tone first, then add the core shadow, highlight, and reflected color.…
Product Visualization 101 Why Sketching? Embracing A 'Fail Fast' Mindset The best products are born from numerous iterations. By embracing a hypothesis-driven approach and a 'fail fast' mindset, we create…
Design for Adaptability Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest
Practice 1Use reverse engineering to methodize the design concept specifically regarding manufacturing process.ObjectiveUse the same perspective frameworks, drawing to clarify and explore ideas further and expand upon previous ideas. Drawing…
PracticeAbstraction is an illusion of our own visible reality and solely a sensory experience. It is a design interpretation. It has intellectual and affective artistic content that depends solely on…
Design ChallengeDesign a tool for those professional communications that goes beyond words and requires live video footage to share things in great detail or demonstrations. It could be used in…
Module 1This principle of tensegrity or tensional integrity, is based on the combination of tensions and compressions to generate mechanical stability. In a 10” cubical space, create a 3D self-standing…
Design Challenge 1Design and develop some components, also consider to utilize the existing resources that most families have, to develop STEM mission for kids. It could create opportunities for creative…